Frenectomy Post-Operative Care
Please consider making appropriate modifications based on age, size or other limitations to these recommendations.
What to expect immediately following the procedure:
For infants and toddlers, extra skin-to-skin and cuddle time, warm baths or increased breast-time
Wait until the numbness from the local anesthetic is entirely gone before eating. Avoid using straws for the first 48-hours. If you must eat while numb or partially numb, start with cool, soft, spoon-fed foods to avoid causing excess swelling, bleeding, accidental burns, or cheek/lip/tongue biting.
Until the wound heals, it is best to avoid foods that can cause discomfort. Examples are hard/crunchy foods like chips and popcorn; acidic foods like citrus, vinegar, or tomato; and spicy foods.
Begin to brush the teeth tonight as normal. You may resume most normal physical activity the next day. Wait 48-hours before swimming or more strenuous activity.
Some discomfort and discolorations are to be expected following a frenectomy. In addition, some bruising of the tongue is common. Tylenol or ibuprofen (ibuprofen is not officially recommended under 2 years of age or 12 pounds) as listed by patient's age/weight can be taken every 4-6 hours if needed to relieve any discomfort.
Minimal swelling with discomfort may occur following surgery. Apply insulated ice to the outside of the lip if the surgery was a maxillary or mandibular labial frenectomy (upper or lower lip). For a lingual frenectomy (under tongue), try a popsicle or place ice chips under the tongue. Ice application is appropriate for the first 24-hours, then discontinue using ice. You may rinse with warm salt water 2x/day.
Some bleeding or minor oozing following oral surgery is normal. Since we used a soft tissue laser, this is minimized. However, if excessive or heavy bleeding occurs in infants or young children, please seek immediate medical care. For children and adults, try to fold a piece of sterile gauze or a tea bag (black tea) and place this over the space where the surgery was performed. Hold with moderate pressure for 10-15 minutes. Repeat if necessary. If these measures do not help control bleeding, call the office at (281) 608-7535.
Proper at-home care following your procedure:
It is important to manipulate the area of the frenectomy to minimize reattachment (if no sutures were placed.)
You will have specific instructions or exercises from your dentist and any other therapists you may have consulted.
If left immobile, the body will attempt to heal itself (reattach) as it was prior to the frenectomy.
You completing the recommended exercises is the best way to reduce the chance of the body healing unfavorably.
Always thoroughly wash your hands before touching the surgical site. Gloves are not needed for parents.
If a maxillary or mandibular labial frenectomy (under your upper or lower lip) was performed, you should lift the lip every few hours to move and stretch it beginning the evening of treatment. Lingual frenectomies (under tongue) may or may not have had sutures (stitches) placed.
Beginning the evening of the treatment, you should begin your stretching regimen as demonstrated and prescribed by your dentist and/or therapist(s). Remember!
“3 x 3 x 3” = 3 stretches (roll, pull, slide), 3 times each type, 6 stretches per day for 6 weeks
If sutures were placed, wait 3-4 days before you will begin your therapy regimen as prescribed by your dentist and any myofunctional/occupational/speech therapist(s).
If sutures were placed, DO NOT attempt to immediately manipulate the wound or remove sutures. These will dissolve in 7 -10 days and do not need to be removed. There is no reason to replace individual sutures that fall out prematurely. If sutures fall out sooner than 3-4 days after the frenectomy, please refer to the "no sutures" guidelines below.
Expect to see a white patchy area in the location of the frenectomy. This is a "wet scab" and is part of the healing process. If there is any concern following surgery, please call the office at (281) 608-7535. Problems following surgery are best managed during regular office hours.
If there is a problem that cannot wait until regular office hours, please call our on-call line (281) 608-7535, Option 2.